The Pattern that Emerges series
Project: Art Licks on North York Moors
Charcoal drawings on paper
44 x 30 cm unframed
As part of a group residency in 2022 with fellow AHH Studio Collective artists at Art Licks' residency space in Bransdale, we engaged with the site and surrounding area through the lens of Herbert Read’s novel, ‘The Green Child’. This provided the opportunity to explore individual ideas and share responses.
An initial work 'Patterns and Atmospheres', a time lapse video that traced passages of light as they travelled through an agricultural building of interest on site, informed a series of drawings made in response to gestural marks left on the fabric of the same building. The series title came from Read's poem 'Moon's Farm' that reflects on relationships with land.
Exhibited: 'The Pattern that Emerges 20, 22': 'Body-Architect', Norman Rea Gallery, University of York, March 2023
Second image courtesy of Norman Rea Gallery
‘The rhythmic repetitions of gesture entailed in handling tools and materials are not, however, of a mechanical kind […]. For they are set up through the continual sensory attunement of the practitioner’s movements to the inherent rhythmicity of those components of the environment with which he or she is engaged.’ - Tim Ingold, 'Making'